带头——博士. Todd Pfannestiel成为Utica的第十任总裁
Dr. Todd Pfannestiel认识很多人,似乎包括大自然母亲自己. 她出席星期五的活动, September 29 proceedings was evident as she called off the rain and opened the clouds to reveal a sky of blue and beams of warm sunlight just in time for the start for the historic moment at hand.
在家人、朋友和同事的簇拥下. Todd pfannstiel正式就任利记sbo第十任校长. Hundreds filled Charles Gaetano Stadium in support of a new chapter in the University's more than 75 year history as the former Provost became President and marked the opening day of Homecoming - 校友 and Family Weekend.
随着仪式的进行, 行政人员队伍, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, and delegates from fellow institutions processed across the football field led by Professor Thomas Rossi, 抱着,后来交给了. Pfannestiel权杖-利记sbo独特使命的象征, 哪一个是为所有人提供高等教育, 自由和人性化, 实用而有目的. 1989届毕业生的礼物, 狼牙棒是由詹姆斯·卡隆博士设计制作的, 哲学名誉教授, 与兰德尔·胡塔教授合作, 爱德华。琼斯, Stephen偷看, 拉尔夫Fimmano, 大卫·摩尔. 它于1990年通过,当时尤蒂卡开始向独立机构过渡.
Retired Ninth President Laura Casamento presented her successor with the Presidential Medallion - an emblem of office worn on official occasions of the University. 它挂在一条链子上, which is placed around the President’s neck and bears the institution’s original name Utica College. 该奖章是前董事会主席Larry Bull于1974年赠予本校的礼物.
前董事会主席Robert Brvenik ' 77介绍了Dr. Pfannestiel与机构章程, 它正式确立了利记sbo作为一个独立机构的地位, 有自己的行政机构, 校董会, 和总统. 这是授予大学授予学位许可的章程.
他的家人都在他身边. Pfannestiel的妻子Dr. 艾梅西, 卡洛大学哲学副教授兼临时副教务长, 提供了仪式的祝福.
“希望托德的总统任期以创新为标志, 包容性, 并致力于培养利记sbo的学术环境, 多样性, 以及社会责任,” Dr. 泽勒说.
奥克拉何马州萨普尔帕(Sapulpa)人. Pfannestiel在高等教育领域有25年的经验, 作为一名教员, 学院院长, 高级管理员. Through the course of his tenure as Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Utica, he has led and collaborated closely with 教师 on a variety of initiatives to raise the academic profile of the University and further its mission. Chief among these achievements was the recently implemented redesign of the University’s general education curriculum, as well as the launch of a number of innovative academic programs designed to address emerging workforce and societal needs.
Drawing on his own experience as a first-generation college student at the University of Arkansas, Dr. Pfannestiel possesses a deep and abiding appreciation for the transformative power of higher education.
“当我在2021年第一次来到当时的尤蒂卡学院时,我有幸见到了博士. Todd是我们的教务长,”25岁的学生会主席Kathi Jabe说. “It quickly became apparent that he possessed a genuine care and attentiveness to the needs of students. 他是, 现在仍然如此, 一个总是愿意倾听的人, 和每一个学生坐下来交流, 回答他们的问题, 解决他们的担忧, 减轻他们的担忧. 现在,以总统的新身份,他继续成为这些品质的典范.”
就像他的前任一样, pfannstiel博士将以其非凡的远见卓识带领利记sbo, committing his talents and abilities to the fulfillment of our mission and the realization of our full potential as an institution,尤蒂卡董事会主席杰里米·瑟斯顿说. “在各个方面,他都是承担这一巨大责任的理想人选.”
Thurston explained that the Presidential Search Committee’s rigorous and comprehensive national search produced a slate of highly-qualified candidates, 他们都为学校和学校所服务的家庭做出了巨大贡献. “但凭借他独特的能力, 他对这所大学的深入了解, 以及他作为领导者的良好记录, Dr. Pfannestiel quickly emerged from this very strong field as the best candidate to fulfill the demands of the Presidency.”
在利记sbo. Pfannestiel’s tenure as Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs saw a variety of initiatives that significantly raised the profile of the University and furthered its mission. 作为大学紧急应变小组的重要成员. Pfannestiel worked closely with President Casamento and his fellow cabinet members to steer the University through many institutional challenges of the COVID-19 crisis. He took a leadership role in protecting the health and safety of the campus community while working with 教师 and 工作人员 to keep the learning enterprise on track - accomplished through an innovative program of hybrid instruction that leveraged Utica’s long experience as a center of online learning. 在很大程度上要感谢. Pfannestiel的努力, the University earned broad recognition as a model of academic progress and resilience in the midst of a global pandemic.
最重要的是. Pfannestiel embodies the spirit and values of 利记sbo in profound ways,” Thurston says. “His life experience reflects that of the many first-generation University students this institution has served since its founding. 他与我们的学生建立了牢固的关系, played an active role in campus life fat beyond the traditional scope of his administrative role, and has a deep and abiding commitment to our mission and our shared vision of the transformative power of higher learning. 简而言之,他是一个真正意义上的开拓者. We are extremely fortunate to 有 leadership of his caliber as we move forward in pursuit of our destiny.”
在加入利记sbo之前,博士. Pfannestiel在宾夕法尼亚克莱里昂大学(Clarion University of Pennsylvania)任教20年, 获得了历史学教授的头衔. 在克莱里昂任职期间, 他还担任过艺术学院院长, 教育, 与科学, 临时教务长, 兼代理总统.
“我对利记sbo的设想既不新颖也不令人惊讶,当时的风云人物自己说, Dr. Pfannestiel. “我们会成为一个优秀的, 有关, 为改善社会做出贡献的创新机构. 通过与其他大学的合作, 我们将充分利用我们的优势, 减轻我们的弱点, and fulfill the promises we 有 made to you and to future students: to empower you as learners to achieve your career and life goals.
Dr. Pfannestiel获得了博士学位.D. 从威廉玛丽学院获得历史学士学位, where he was a Woodrow Wilson Foundation Fellow in the Humanities; completed post-graduate studies at Duke University as a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Economics, 完成了他的B.A. in History and Economics at the University of Arkansas as a Fulbright College Scholar summa cum laude. 但今天,他的心属于尤蒂卡.
“In the months ahead we will begin in earnest our next strategic planning process to define that path. 每个人都将发挥作用. Pfannestiel解释说. “想象一个超过4的谜题,000件——很像超过4件,000人组成了这个大学社区, 更不用说成千上万的校友和朋友了. It would be near impossible to piece together that puzzle if we didn’t 有 the picture on the box to guide us. 但我们 有 那张图——我们知道我们要去哪里因为我们知道我们是谁. 或者借用我最喜欢的一首披头士的歌(披头士…你知道它会来的。!): “我就是他,你就是他,你就是我,我们都在一起.” 我之所以成为今天的我,是因为你们——我的学生和同事们. 利记sbo之所以能有今天,是因为我们都是这样的人.”
仪式结束后,“Dr. Todd’s” robust personality and passions were on full display with Beatles songs performed by the band Showtime and a myriad of food offerings paying homage to the Fab Four’s repertoire, 包括永远的草莓地沙拉, 小圆面包祭品来了, 你的鸟会唱火鸡的歌, 还有甜点,比如她好重的曲奇饼, 奥利奥和布朗尼面糊, 棉花糖派, 还有一种奶油蛋奶冻加焦糖酱,名为“无处可去的果馅饼”.
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